Assignment Three

This assignment is due by January 15th/June 15th.

Please send your homework to with the subject line Fiction HW3 - HOL name.  If for any reason, something is not accessible to anyone, please let me know and I can come up with an alternative option. 


(If false, please explain, 10 points)

1. C. S. Lewis was born in 1890.

2. Fantasy books usually do not have magic in them.

3. Aslan, in Chronicles of Narnia, does not have magical abilities. 

4. Fantasy books do not have unrealistic elements to them. 

5.  Centaurs are part of the Magical Creature Category.

Fill in the Blanks: 

(10 points)

1. In The Chronicles of Narnia there are various magical _____ and of course magic is used especially when the evil queen, _____, put a curse over Narnia that made it ____ for a long time. 

2. J. K. Rowling started writing Harry Potter in ____ and The Philosopher's Stone was first published in ___.

3. Starting with The ____, which was published in ____, he went on to write The Lord of the Rings which was intended as a sequel.

4. _____ means that the reader takes something away from the story and sees their world in a different light.

5. Whether it is shown by performing actual magic or whether it simply has _____ creatures, most books that fall under the genre of _____ have a lot to do with magic in general.


(10 points)

Do some research about an author not talked about in this lesson and write a short biography about them. Minimum of 100 words.

Magical Creatures:

Pick a magical creature from any book and give it a power that it doesn't have. This could be giving a creature the power of flight or the ability to read minds - basically whatever you can think up. Describe your creature and the power you are giving them in at least 100 words. (15 points)

Fantasy Villages:

Design your own village, town, or city from a fantasy book you've read. Don't choose one that already exists, but think of what other places in that book might look like. You can either describe your city or you can do it in the form of an art piece. Both ways, include what book you're doing it from and if you're doing it in graphic form, include a brief description of what it is. Minimum of 100 words. You don't have to design your entire city and can focus on one key element of it instead if you want - same with the art form, you can design one thing from your city if you'd prefer. (15 points)


30 points per option

You have two options to complete this quest. 

Option One:

The first one is to narrate a story about a character's (a character who has never met a magical creature before) walk through the woods when they encounter a magical creature. How did they respond? Were they scared? What creature did they spot? Minimum of 100 words.  Send me your finished product via HOL message and I promise I'll get back to you quickly with the password. 

Option Two:

The second option is to solve this puzzle (click on the image for a larger puzzle):

The password will be the word going down vertically once you solve it. Remember not to add spaces. 

Once you have the password, add it to the end of Send me a link to the page, a description of the picture on the page or the alt text below, and, if you decided on the puzzle option, your completed puzzle. 

Iverian Gnash
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